Friday, February 27, 2009


I once attended a book reading by this Delbanco guy mentioned in the article.  No, wait, that was Nick Delbanco.  Are they related? 
So market value for humanities is down.  Unsurprising.  As we all become cogs in a machine, chiefly valued for being and efficiently oiled part specific to its purpose, anything reeking of the human must be squelched.  The entire technocratic arsenal of education might be re-termed, the Machinities.  Machine-at-ease?...

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Home Prices

California Kaput


As per normal, Obama's actions cause the gasket-blowing Brooks to drop a few time-honored conservative catchphrases--'unintended consequences', etc--for the peanut gallery.  But what's funny--though absolutely contradictory--is how he claims to be in favor of gradual change, not disruptive change.  Yet what do market-worshipping conservatives look to invest in every day?  Companies with new killer apps that will bring 'disruptive change'--forcing everyone to buy them and to buy in to the new paradigm--or die.  That's what modern technology is built on--wave after wave of disruptive change.
Also, as for Burke--the 18th century great mascot of fuddy-duddy-ism.  I'm all for the  'wisdom of the ages'.  But what is it?  Who has access to it?  Who administers it?  Who measures it?  Funny, the wisdom of the ages once said monarchs should rule by blood, women and blacks were inferior, Christianity (or Islam or Hinduism) was the one true revelation of God, etc.  Wisdom--its a great business.  So many flavors to sell. 
When we think about seven years ago and Iraq--the program for a New American century--huge 'epistemologically immodest' top-down world-brokering initiatives--was Brooks skeptical about those?  No he was the head neocon cheerleader for them. 

Monday, February 16, 2009

The Rappin Mathmatecian

More educational cogito ergo sums...

Pepper the Growth Ogre with Questions

You have to go to France by way of India to get the radical proposition that growth isn't categorically good for the planet or humanity. 

High Flying in the D

Will you go out with a bang, a whimper--or just out the window?

Monday, February 02, 2009